Due to the global pandemic COVID-19 causing us to isolate; we created an activity book with our D&D gang & our bud Mel Rai, which you can download for free below.
Of course, you could always tip us by PayPal:
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All tips will be distributed evenly amongst the contributors xox
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The House Arrest Adult Activity Book features 20+ pages of colouring, original art, paper dolls, bingo, hack horoscopes, reviews, photos, exercises, recipes and more.
Like most of us, you’re probably stuck at home unless you’re a medical professional (bless you) or an essential service (bless you too) or a total reckless moron (begrudgingly wish you the best).
The group of people involved in this creative offering are the “COOL GUYS”, our weekly game group that has faithfully been attended every Sunday for the past five years. We play board games, Dungeons and Dragons and home brewed tabletop RPGs.
Lou makes us dinner, Phil and Angus talk about comic books, Michelle checks for traps, Marisa complains about sexism, Vanessa scares the shit out of us with her physical fitness, Chuck makes tasty drinks, Scott reads us the rules of the game we’re playing, Ari keeps us up to date with wrestling, Mo reminds us that we’re here to game, Sarah shows us the pins she bought this week and Camille reminds us all to be nice to each other.
It’s our family and our creative social break for the week. We miss it so much. This is a small gift from our nerd family to yours which hopefully brings you some joy in these weird times.
Thank you to Mel Rai @buttholeos for the cool doodle illustrations throughout the book. You’re an amazing part of our Kerpow family and we love you.
Please enjoy the jokes and the fun activities! We’d love to see what you’ve made; Share with us: #HOUSEARRESTMTL @KERPOWART